Read: Jeremiah 4:4 | MEDIEVAL noblewomen swallowed arsenic and dabbed on bats’ blood to improve their complexions; Victorian women removed their ribs to give themselves a thin wasp-like waistline. In modern times, men and women are seeking procedures to cut, nip, tuck, tighten, alter and transform looks into a form of “physical beauty”. The desire […]
Read: Proverbs 14:12 | A while ago, I was driving to the Dallas-Ft. Worth Airport to pick up my wife. I decided to turn on the GPS even though I already knew the right way to go. To my surprise, the GPS suggested a different route than I thought was the right way. Curious, I […]
Read: Hosea 10:12-13 | In agriculture, fallow ground is a field left unplanted and unplowed to grow whatever occurs naturally in order to replenish the land and soil. When left in this condition without attention, it grows thorns and weeds. In short, an unattended fallow field is unproductive. Hosea 10:12-13 uses the term “fallow” metaphorically […]
Read: I Corinthians 9:24 | The Opening Ceremony of the Olympics is the kickoff for each Olympic Games. One of the symbolic highlights of the opening is the lighting of the Olympic flame by a designee of the host country. The ancient Greeks started this tradition using a torch relay race. The winner was not […]
Read: James 3:13 | Godly Wisdom is more desirable than silver and gold. Schools and Universities do not offer a degree or certificate for Godly Wisdom. Godly wisdom only comes to the believer with a heart in the proper relationship with God. Continuing our study on the book James, we now address the topic of […]