Read: Psalm 106:13 | Simon Peter was one of the first followers of Jesus Christ. I believe that Peter compares favorably to the fivefold return servant of this parable found in verse 16. For instance, Jesus noted that Peter would be the rock. [Matthew 16:18] He was part of the inner circle with James and […]
Read: Matthew 25:14-15 | At a local Talent Show, the first contestant played a saxophone solo. The mesmerized audience cheered wildly and gave him a standing ovation. Shortly after he walked off the stage, a very prominent individual in the music industry offered him a recording contract, and a chance to play with some of […]
Read: Matthew 13:45-46 | Would you rather learn about Heaven from someone who has first-hand experience or second or third-hand experience? Jesus Christ provides first-hand accounts about the Kingdom of Heaven, the judgment and the future in His parables on the subject. His first-hand accounts of Heaven help us to measure and weigh the accounts […]
Read: Isaiah 65:17 ; 2 Peter 3:13 | Preface: This is the fourth posting in a series about Heaven. The prior postings were intended to provide a common foundation for the discussion in this posting. To get the most out of the material, read the other posting first. Preview of Heaven (link) Purpose of Heaven […]
Read: Revelation 21:1 | Preface: This is the third posting in a series about Heaven. The prior postings were intended to provide a common foundation for the discussion in this posting. To get the most out of the material, read the other posting first. Preview of Heaven (link) Purpose of Heaven (link) Real estate agents […]