Read: James 5:7-11 “Maranatha” is an Aramaic word that means, “the Lord is coming” or “come, O Lord.” The early church used the word as a coping mechanism for the persecution they endured from the Romans. The Romans required everyone to declare that Caesar was god. The early Christians refused, so the Romans looked upon […]
Read: Psalm 84:11 | Sit up straight! Stop slouching! Hold your chin up! Does that sound familiar? Poor posture affects our health. The postural muscles in our bodies are active all the time. This group of muscles behaves much like a corset to hold our upper body in place.[Postural Muscles: How to Strengthen Them for […]
Read: I Samuel 2:2 | Dr. Thomas M. Carter, an ex-convict, tells a thrilling story of his mother who waited and prayed for his salvation for years. On one occasion while he was in prison, she received a telegram stating that he was dead and asking what she wanted done with his body. Stunned by […]
Read: Philippians 4:6,7 | Quicksand has a “killer” reputation. The word alone evokes an image of someone trapped and desperate to escape the clutches of the quagmire. In movies, such a dramatic scene usually ends in the demise of one of the characters. However, in the spiritual realm, this situation does not need to be fatal. […]
Read: Job 14:14 | James Robertson leaves his house at 8am Monday-Friday to get to work by 2pm. He lives 21 miles away from work and cannot afford to buy a car. For the past decade, he rides a bus for 14 miles and walks the last seven miles through sun, rain, sleet, and snow. […]