Read: Proverbs 16:3 In 1858, a Sunday School teacher, Mr. Kimball, led a Boston shoe clerk to give his life to Jesus Christ. The clerk was Dwight L. Moody who became an evangelist. In 1879, while Mr. Moody preached in England the heart of a pastor named F.B. Meyer was set on fire. Pastor Meyer […]
Read: Romans 12:1-2 | The life cycle of a butterfly goes through four stages of metamorphosis: egg, larva, pupa and adult. As a Believer, we also undergo a metamorphosis as we develop spiritually through our stages of growth: Baby Believer, Growing Believer, Maturing Believer and Glorified Believer. Just as each stage of a butterfly’s life […]
Read: 1 Timothy 1:3-7 | As a child, did you ever play with a magnifying glass on a hot summer day? I recall holding a magnifying glass above a piece of paper at an angle that allowed the sun’s rays to shine through the glass. Then I moved the magnifying glass up and down to […]
Read: Job 36:22 | I never intended to grow up to become a Bible Teacher! As a youngster, my parents made me get up early to go to Sunday School. Along the way, I met Jesus and became a believer at an early age. By the time I reached High School in the Killeen/Ft. Hood, […]