Purpose Discover Develop Demonstrate
illiam Booth, the founder of the Salvation Army, did not intend to create the worldwide organization, as we know it today. He simply discovered a love as a young minister for working with thieves, prostitutes, drunkards and gamblers in the backstreets of London in 1852. As he earnestly worked with the downtrodden and destitute, he realized the traditional concept of a pulpit and church would not work. Instead, he took his message to the people and made prayerful adjustments. He was lead to set up revival tents in a Quaker graveyard. He took familiar bar songs and put Christian lyrics to them while he preached a message of hope and salvation. His methods were nontraditional, but inspired by God.
After he and his wife had worked for 17 years, they only had 10 full-time workers to help their ministry grow. Yet just five years later in 1874, the number had grown to 1,000 volunteers and 42 evangelists. William was a simple man, led by a simple discovery, which he developed and demonstrated effectively with God’s guidance.
What God leads us to demonstrate may never grow as large as the Salvation Army. Yet, what He calls us to do is just as important. God does not have bit parts. Each of us has a starring role and purpose in God’s plan in our circle of influence. As we grow our faith and endurance, we are able to stay the course whether it is 17 days or 17 years (Romans 5:3-5).
William Booth did not give up on God, but kept giving God an encore performance by showing up every day to follow God’s calling on his life. God blesses the encore performance of a good and faithful servant.
3D Believers not only “believe” but also “follow”. Follow Him and demonstrate the dramatic difference that Christ makes in the lives of believers.