HomePurpose Discover Develop Demonstrate
he purpose of the 3D Believer Blog is to highlight practical insights into how Believers can Discover, Develop and Demonstrate the will of God. As we submit to God’s will, we grow multi-dimensionally to be more like Christ.
During Jesus’s three-year ministry, His message was simple – Follow me (Matthew 10:38). As disciples followed Him, he taught them by quoting God’s Word, sermons, lectures, fellowship, parables and object lessons. He also taught them by his actions. Jesus ate with the undesirables; He challenged self-serving religious thinking; He loved without condition; He taught whoever would listen; He stood up for those condemned by society; He showed compassion to those seeking Him and then told His disciples to go and do the same. By His example, we have the same commission (Matthew 22:37-39; Matthew 28:19-20). Believers are not only to believe in Him, but also to follow Him!
The Bible is two-dimensional but we as we accept, believe and follow Him, we begin to flesh out the words in our 3D lives. Follow Him and discover the truth found in His Word. Follow Him and develop the truth in our lives. Follow Him and demonstrate the truth to others. A 3D Believer follows Him by applying the three principles below:
1. Discover and apply spiritual principles in our lives
2. Develop and determine to live a life that pleases God
3. Demonstrate our faith in public and at home