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- James 2:1-13 – Exhibiting Favoritism is Sin & Exposes Faults…
Read: James 2:9 | In our family of three boys and one girl, I remember each of us asking, “Why do you let him/her do that when you don’t allow me to do the same thing?…
- RESET – Put First Things First
Read: Daniel 9:3 | re • set – the act of setting again or back to the original position. My smartphone began having problems a few days after installing some apps. The system time w…
- Profiles on Waiting – Posture – Wait with Unwavering Faith
Read: Job 14:14 | James Robertson leaves his house at 8am Monday-Friday to get to work by 2pm. He lives 21 miles away from work and cannot afford to buy a car. For the past decade,…
- Giving Sows Growth – Part 2 – Understand the Timing of Sowi…
Read: Galatians 6:8 | Last week we started, a six-part series entitled “Giving is Sowing”. During the series we will examine the steps involved in sowing our time, talent and treasu…
- Giving Sows Growth – Part 1 – Identify the Location
Read: Galatians 6:8 | The concept of sowing seeds is foreign to most of us in our modern society. We live in a society of consumers, we eat what others produce and grow. The farmers…
- James – Overview: How Believers Can Become Faithful Doers Of His Will
Read: James 2:18 | “He is a mad-man!”, they thought. The four brothers loved their oldest half-brother but he was – well “different”. After he left home, he was always m…
- James 1:19-27: Hear the Word, Listen to the Word, Do what the Word Says…
Read: James 1:22 | Back when the telegraph was the fastest means of long-distance communication, a young man applied for a job as a Morse code operator. When he arrived, he entered…
- This Christmas, Give Homage to Christ
Read: Matthew 2:2 Darby Translation | Two weeks ago, my brother asked me to fill in for him as a wise man in their Church play entitled “Christmas Lights” [Union Chapel MB Church, H…
- James 5:7-12 – Be Patient
Read: James 5:7-8 | My sister in laws birthday party is this weekend. I plan to go and help with the setup, but the final edits on this posting are coming to me very slowly. It occu…
- Profiles on Waiting – Benefit #5 – Fortify our Faith
Read: Jerimiah 15:20-21 | Benefit # 5 of waiting in God’s Waiting Room – Fortify our Faith Jeremiah wept. He begged and pleaded with the people to listen to his warnings of im…
- Jesus, Master Teacher of Stewardship
Title of the documentRead | I Peter 4:10-11 Every day is a day we should remember Jesus. We should recall how He lived His life. We remember that He died for you and for me. Moreover, esp…
- Growing Makes God Get Bigger
Read | I Corinthians 13:11-12 | Have you seen the AT&T commercial where the man asks the kids, “Which is better: Bigger or smaller?” Of course, the kids respond “Bigger!” Let me…
- Sailboat versus Row Boat Believers
Read: John 14:15-17 | Sailboats and Row Boats have things in common with Believers. Since most of us have very little experience with either sailboats or rowboats, let us first comp…
- Spiritual Vision – See what God Sees – Avoid Blindness
Read: Psalm 119:18 | Last week, I started a series titled “Spiritual Vision – See what God Sees”. This week we will review the spiritual vision dysfunction of blindness. Physically,…
- Can I get an Amen?
Read: 2 Corinthians 1:19-22 | A story from the old west tells of a preacher, who lived near the Grand Canyon. The man of God was trying to sell his horse. One day a potential buyer…