Read: Matthew 25:1-13 | One of the top five rules of boat safety is to wear a life jacket, whether you know how to swim or not. On larger commercial vessels like cruise ships, the first hour typically includes instructions on where to find the life jackets and where to report in an emergency. No […]
Read: 2 Cor 9:6-7 | Many years ago, I recall a Pastor switching from tithing to free-will giving. The members were anxious to hear his sermon series and understand why! In his opening statements, he acknowledged that he had always taught and supported tithing as the Church’s direction. By teaching members to tithe, the Church […]
Read: Matthew 25:24-32 | As a servant of God, we have a membership in the body of Christ. Membership has privileges and responsibilities. The privilege is that we’ll go to Heaven, because we have accepted Christ as our Lord and Savior. The responsibility is that we live our lives worthy of the calling we have […]
Read: Luke 6:38 | John understood the Pastor’s teachings on financial giving, but he had trust issues. He told his Pastor, “I don’t see how I can give ten percent to the church, when I can’t even keep on top of our bills.” The pastor replied, “John, if I promise to make up the difference […]
Read: Matthew 25:14-27 | Two fellows decided to go into the produce business. They got into their pickup truck and drove 100 miles into the country. They found a farmer willing to sell them watermelons for half of a dollar each. They loaded up and drove back to town. In town, they sold them two […]