Read: Psalms 143:10 | In February of 2006, the Dallas Morning News ran a front-page story on Denise Eileen Day. Denise lived alone in a two-story house near White Rock Lake. Exasperated by repeated misfortune and overcome with grief, Denise began to live without a will! By a will, I mean a will to live […]
Read: James 5:7-11 “Maranatha” is an Aramaic word that means, “the Lord is coming” or “come, O Lord.” The early church used the word as a coping mechanism for the persecution they endured from the Romans. The Romans required everyone to declare that Caesar was god. The early Christians refused, so the Romans looked upon […]
Read: Psalm 84:11 | Sit up straight! Stop slouching! Hold your chin up! Does that sound familiar? Poor posture affects our health. The postural muscles in our bodies are active all the time. This group of muscles behaves much like a corset to hold our upper body in place.[Postural Muscles: How to Strengthen Them for […]
Read: I Samuel 2:2 | Dr. Thomas M. Carter, an ex-convict, tells a thrilling story of his mother who waited and prayed for his salvation for years. On one occasion while he was in prison, she received a telegram stating that he was dead and asking what she wanted done with his body. Stunned by […]
Read: I Peter 5:7 | George Muller Massena, one of Napoleon’s generals, quickly assembled 18,000 soldiers outside of an Austrian town that had no means of defending itself. The town council met certain that capitulation was the only answer. The old dean of the church reminded the council that it was Easter. He begged them to […]