Read: Matthew 25:2-5 |
If you found a bank that would credit $86,000 to your account every day at midnight, would you sign up for such an account?
What if the fine-print stated that you would forfeit the balance of anything unspent by midnight? Would you still accept the terms? I would! Personally, I would draw out every red cent each and every day!
The irony is that in a way, we do have such a bank, and its name is TIME! Every morning, TIME credits each of us with 86,400 seconds. Every night, it writes off as lost whatever we failed to invest to good purpose. Time carries over no balances; it allows no overdrafts for tomorrow. [Source Unknown]
In the Parable of the Ten Virgins, the first theme we will examine is “time”. Both the wise and foolish virgins had 86,400 seconds to make their preparations for the wedding. Likewise, as believers, we are credited time. We too are expected to spend our time wisely by serving Him each day as if He will appear and call us home with Him that day.
Stay Ready!
In this parable, Jesus used the setting of a typical Jewish wedding as the framework for how we should stay ready for the coming of the Kingdom of Heaven. As was the custom, weddings were in the evening. Thus, the bridesmaids knew by tradition to use their time wisely to fulfill their roles on the wedding night. All ten virgins brought their lamps. As they all waited for the groom to arrive, time passed, darkness draped them and drowsiness overcame them.
At this point, the readiness of each bridesmaid was not apparent. They were at the right location, with the right attitude and at the right time. However, their true state of readiness was revealed when the bridegroom finally emerged from the bride’s house at midnight. Alas, only those who brought extra oil were truly ready!
Similarly, a believer’s state of readiness is not always obvious. We can put on a show of church activities, but unless we have committed our hearts to Him, we are more like the foolish bridesmaids than the wise ones. [Romans 10:9,10] To stay ready, study to show ourselves approved, pray without ceasing and walk with Him. [Titus 3:1; Luke 12:34; I Thess. 5:16-18] Tick tock, use your time wisely.
Earn your Rest!
Is it a bad thing that all of the bridesmaids fell asleep while awaiting the bride’s appearance?
In this case, the bridesmaids were not asked or necessarily expected to stay awake. They were instead, expected to stay ready. Additionally, keep in mind that the main point of the parable is that we should be prepared for Christ’s righteous return. Thus, we too may be asleep at that glorious moment when He appears in the sky. Like the bridesmaids, our readiness is not linked to our restful sleep. If we have worked to stay ready, we have earned our rest.
Prepare the way for His Return!
The cry “Here’s the bridegroom!” came at midnight. With his arrival, the wedding procession began. The five foolish bridesmaids missed the procession and were not allowed to enter the banquet. When Christ comes, Christ is only taking His ready and able servants. [I Thessalonians 4:17] If someone has not accepted Christ, they will be left behind.
Today, invest your 86,400 seconds of time to stay ready! Work for Him and earn your rest as you prepare the way for Christ’s 2nd coming!
1. Discover –
A. The fabric of time is interwoven into the universe. God uses time to reveal His glory and to accomplish his plan, how do you use time?
B. Name three things you do each day for which God would be proud.
Name three things you believe God would have you give up each day.
2. Develop –
A. How do you balance your job, God’s spiritual assignments and rest? Explain how you juggle and prioritize them.
B. When circumstances force you to wait for someone or something, do you have a plan to redeem the time that is beyond your control?
3. Demonstrate –
A. Does your life demonstrate a Believer who spends their time wisely? If not, why not and what can you change?
B. Name 3 believers that you feel spend their time very wisely. How do they do it? Can you emulate them?