Read: Matthew 25:19 |
When I was a teenager and the oldest of three siblings, I was eventually trusted to be the baby sitter. I felt large and in charge. And of course, I lorded it over my siblings.
When my parents left me in charge, they would tell us that they expected all of the chores to be completed before their return. Of course, we played, fought, fussed and only did some of what was expected. We all knew what to do, but we thought we had time to get it done before they returned. Was it just me, or did this happen to anyone else?
You see, especially at first, we had not completed our chores. Instead, we were usually caught doing something we shouldn’t have been doing! After a few punishments and many tears, we learned that we needed to do what we were told whether someone was watching or not.
In our study for this week, verse 19 focuses on the return of the Master. Earlier in this series, we noted that the Master in the parable represents Christ. Before Christ’s return, we are called to diligently prepare for His return and stay ready!
Preparing for Christ’s return only matters if He is your Master
Verse 19 in NIV has a key phrase “the master of those servants”. In our lives, we only need to be prepared for Christ’s return if the Lord is our Master. While God is everyone’s Father, both sinners and saved souls, He may not be everyone’s Master.
Matthew 6:24 teaches that “No one can serve two masters.” Although this passage is primarily talking about money, it applies to our lives in general as well. Implicit in the statement is that we all have a master. God is your master, if you have accepted and believe in Him. God is your master, if you seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness. [Matthew 6:33] God is your master, if you fervently seek His guidance in your life.
If God is your master, the fruits of the spirit will be evident in your life. If God is your master, though you may sin, you feel the prick of the Holy Spirit to confess and repent your sins in order to restore fellowship with God. If God is your master, then you are His servant.
Servants are called to serve and glorify God with their time, talent and treasure. If we, as servants, work as diligently as the first two servants in the parable to invest ourselves in the Kingdoms’ business, then we will one day also hear, “Well done, good and faithful servant”.
For non-believers, Christ’s return does not matter! If you are in this group, God is not your master now, but He will be when you die. If you have not accepted Him, God now offers you a chance to accept Him and avoid the judgement and sentence of Hell. Why not choose Christ as your Master today? Confess and believe for there is no other way. [Pray with someone and study these verses: Romans 3:23, Romans 3:10-18; Romans 6:23, Romans 5:8; Romans 10:9, 10; Romans 5:1]
Purposeful living in Preparation for His Return
When Christ returns, it will be for judgment. This is the theme of the text in Luke 12:35-48. Drawing the parallel from this text to verse 19 in Matthew 25, we know that the servants also expected judgment upon the Master’s return. Subsequently in our lives, we are called to live purposefully in preparation for His Return. [1 John 5:3]
As His servants, we are to let our light shine and continually seek to bring every area of our lives under His Lordship. If this is not a struggle, then we need to examine ourselves. [2 Cor. 13:5] The lack of struggle may indicate that the other “master” – Satan – may be happy with where we are, and he has lulled us into a spiritual slumber.
In World Magazine article, Andree Seu wrote: “I know a pastor who likes to say, ‘Jesus is coming back today,’ because, as he explains, whichever day He returns, it will be ‘today.'”
As we serve Him, live expecting Him to return “today”. Living with a “today” attitude may help us overcome some of our struggles. Like you, I want my house to be in order, so that when Christ returns I do not need to hide anything in my life while I turn to greet him.
1. Discover –
A. Hypothetically, if Christ were to return tomorrow what are 3 things that you would do immediately?
B. Do you have any friends or acquaintances who are not believers? If so, if you knew that Christ was returning tomorrow would you tell them? What would you say?
2. Develop –
A. What are three areas of your life that God is not quite the Lord over yet? What can you do so bring them under the Lordship of Christ?
B. When was the last time you were able to bring an area of your life under the Lordship of Christ? How did you gain victory? If you haven’t brought one under His Lordship in a while, pray and seek his guidance. [2 Cor. 13:5]
3. Demonstrate –
A. List three areas or your walk with God that demonstrate that God is your Master.
B. Would your spouse or prayer partner agree with the list above?