Read: Matthew 25:14-17 |
In 1858, a Sunday school teacher named Mr. Kimball, led a Boston shoe clerk to give his life to Christ. The clerk, Dwight L. Moody, became an evangelist and publisher.
In England in 1879, Mr. Moody awakened evangelistic zeal in the heart of Fredrick B. Meyer, pastor of a small church. F. B. Meyer, preaching to an American college campus, brought to Christ a student named J. Wilbur Chapman.
Chapman, engaged in YMCA work, became an evangelist. He employed a former baseball player, Billy Sunday, to do evangelistic work. Billy Sunday held a revival in Charlotte, N.C. A group of local men were so enthusiastic afterward that they planned another evangelistic campaign, bringing Mordecai Hamm to town to preach.
During Hamm’s revival, a young man named Billy Graham heard the gospel and yielded his life to Christ. [Author Unknown] The one student Mr. Kimball led to Christ set into motion wave after wave of lives being reached for Christ, even now! Only in Heaven will we know the full ripple affect Mr. Kimball made by investing his time and talent to serve diligently as a Sunday School Teacher.
This week we examine the importance of the “Interest” earned on the Investments we make with what God gives us His servants.
Return on the Investment of our Time
By investing our time—recognizing that we are stewards of the days God gives us—we earn a return for the Kingdom of God. [Ephesians 4:1]
Throughout each day, diligent believers are alert for heavenly appointments to serve. The seed of time that we plant in these opportunities may be brief but profitable.
For instance, what we take as idle conversation on the bus or in the office can be the encouragement someone needed. Sometimes, we can share just a few words, a smile, or merely listen to their hearts and allow the Holy Spirit to guide our response. At other times, like Job’s friends did initially, we can just “be there” for them. [Job 2:13]
When prompted by the Holy Spirit, invest the time. Then, watch God bless and multiply the return.
Return on the Investment of our Talent
By investing our talent for the Lord, the seeds that we sow may grow and ripen into fruit that propagates and grows new fruit.
I have been a Bible Study Teacher since College. Through the years, I have many students who after accepting Christ in one of my classes are now teachers, preachers and leaders in the Church. I recognize that prior to their confession of faith, God had fertilized their hearts with the many seeds planted by their parents, friends, relatives and other teachers. My role was to invest my talent to plant the seed.
The first two servants in the parable were intentional in their use of what was given. Likewise, when we use whatever has been given to us, it is God who makes sure it brings an increase!
Return on the Investment of our Treasures
By investing our treasure for God, it always yields a return. Unlike investing in the financial markets of the world, we do not need to worry about the rate of return when we follow God’s will on investing our treasure. The only investments that do not yield a return are those that we bury, hide or keep to ourselves, like the third servant did in the parable.
The first and second servants in the parable “went at once” and put the master’s money to work. Follow their example and be a persistent giver. In turn, God will bless our investments in the Kingdom.
Making investments of our time, talent and treasure for God will bring about a heavenly dividend. If we each follow this model, then like the first and second servants we too will be able to hear “Well done, good and faithful servant!”
1. Discover –
A. What does your work/home calendar look like? Do you leave some spaces open to tithe your time through divine appointments?
B. Do you know your spiritual gifts and special abilities? When did you discover them?
2. Develop –
A. How can you update your work/home calendar so that you allow more time for God’s heavenly appointments? Share what works for you
B. If your calendar is already packed, how do you create spaces so that you can serve God with your talents in your Church or community? Share some success and lessons learned.
3. Demonstrate –
A. Give a testimony to your prayer partner or spouse about how God blessed you when you opened your calendar to give Him some time to care and share with others.
B. Give a testimony to your prayer partner or spouse about how God blessed you when you opened your calendar to share your talent/ability with the Church.