Read: Jeremiah 4:4 |
MEDIEVAL noblewomen swallowed arsenic and dabbed on bats’ blood to improve their complexions; Victorian women removed their ribs to give themselves a thin wasp-like waistline. In modern times, men and women are seeking procedures to cut, nip, tuck, tighten, alter and transform looks into a form of “physical beauty”. The desire to be beautiful is as old as civilization. The painful process of cutting the flesh to accomplish “beauty” merely changes the outside, but does not touch the inside or our perceptions of beauty.
The spiritual parallel is that spiritual circumcision of the heart cuts away the carnal flesh and is the beginning of making us more Christ-like, which is the essence of true beauty. By repenting and accepting Christ in our lives, we allow the Holy Spirit to circumcise the foreskins of our hearts. By surrendering to the Spirit we make a change on the inside, which causes a change on the outside – we do not do the things we used to do.
Old Covenant Circumcision
In the Old Testament, the ordinance of circumcision was an outward physical sign of one’s willingness to obey God. God ordained the circumcision of male children on the eighth day of birth as an external sign of Israel’s covenant with God [Genesis 17:10-27]. I found it interesting that physically and medically the blood clotting agents in the male blood stream reach their peak on the eighth day after birth and then diminish afterwards to normal levels. Thus, the practical side of the God ordained “eighth day” was that a baby circumcised some 3,000 years before modern surgical methods would not bleed to death.
God also used the same metaphor to communicate His desire for a holy people: “And the LORD your God will circumcise your heart and the heart of your offspring, so that you will love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul, that you may live” (Deuteronomy 30:6).
New Covenant Circumcision
Physical circumcision is no longer necessary for religious purposes. What God really wants is a circumcision of the heart (Deuteronomy 10:16; 30:6; Jeremiah 4:4). Spiritual circumcision is a process of repentance and conversion. Colossians 2:10-11.
Under the New Covenant, God is calling us to be a spiritual nation composed of individuals converted and regenerated by His Holy Spirit. Men and Women of God are called to be “circumcised” spiritually. Paul told the congregation in Rome that physical circumcision is of no spiritual benefit (Romans 2:25-29). Spiritual circumcision, though, is a process of conversion.
Circumcision versus Circumcision
The table below represents a contrast and comparison of circumcision under the Old and New Covenant. In the next few weeks, we will explore some of the topics in a little more detail.
Old Covenant |
New Covenant |
Comment |
Every male had to be circumcised as an external sign of Israel’s Covenant with God Genesis 17:10-27 |
Each Believer as they accept Christ has their heart circumcised Colossians 2:8-14; Philippians 3:1-3 |
Circumcision is a continual process under the New Covenant |
Every person had to be circumcised, even foreigners who lived with Jews Genesis 17:12 |
Every Believer circumcises the part of the flesh as they accept Christ. We were formerly dead in our transgressions Colossians 2:8-14 |
Circumcision is not optional. God desires it of every believer. God sent His Son so that all had a chance to become believers and accept |
It was THE sign of the covenant Genesis 17:10 |
By faith, we accept Him and we are saved. By our works; we reflect our faith. Colossians 2:8-14 |
God wants our Hearts to be dedicated to Him |
Circumcision was to be performed on the 8th day after birth in private to cut off the unnecessary Leviticus 12:3 |
Spiritual circumcision occurs as we accept Christ Galatians 5:1-11; Philippians 3:2-5 |
We cannot circumcise ourselves; we must surrender ourselves and our nature to the process.
The first circumcision happens the day we accept Christ, we are to carry the cross daily and seek to daily surrender our flesh to be |
Failure to be circumcised as regarded as a breaking of the covenant and was grounds for being “cut off” or removed from the people of God. Genesis 17:14 |
Willful rejection of God can lead to condemnation Titus 1:9-11;Romans 2:25-3:2; Galatians 5:1-11 |
Circumcise your heart Deuteronomy 10:16; 30:6; Jeremiah 4:4 |
Circumcise your heart Romans 2:29; Galatians 5:1-11 |
Compilation of Scriptural References: Genesis 17:10-27; Leviticus 12:3; Deuteronomy 10:16; 30:6; Jeremiah 4:4 |
Compilation of Scriptural References: Galatians 5:1-11; Galatians 6:11-16; I Corinthians 7:17-20; Colossians 2:8-12; Philippians 3:1-3; Romans 4:11; Titus 1:9–11 |
In the Old Covenant, God used circumcision as a mark or a sign, which authenticated that the person had made a covenant with Him. Under the New Covenant, God wants us to circumcise our hearts. In both, He is asking for a repentance and inward change in order to be right with God.[Steve Highlanders,”Understanding the Principle of Spiritual Circumcision”] Paul said, true circumcision is a matter of the heart, performed by the Spirit of God.
1.Discover –
A. Physically and medically, it has been shown that the blood clotting agents in the male blood stream reach their peak on the eighth day after birth and then diminish afterwards to normal levels. It makes me reflect on how God takes care of us in ways that we have no clue. How does this fact make you feel?
B. Do you have any sins that need to be circumcised from your life? Are you ready to surrender them to Christ?
2.Develop –
A. The verse in Deuteronomy 30:6 notes that God wants our hearts circumcised and our offspring. If you have offspring or brother so sister, what are you doing to point them to Christ to fulfill His desire?
B. How does God work in your life to point out a repetitive sin that He wants you to outgrow? What is keeping you from cutting off that sin?
3.Demonstrate –
A. Are there external signs that we have a circumcised heart or do we act as if we are uncircumcised in our daily lives away from Church?
B. Are there other parallels in the Old and New Covenant that I missed in this posting? Please share.
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