Read: Matthew 13:45-46 | Would you rather learn about Heaven from someone who has first-hand experience or second or third-hand experience? Jesus Christ provides first-hand accounts about the Kingdom of Heaven, the judgment and the future in His parables on the subject. His first-hand accounts of Heaven help us to measure and weigh the accounts […]
Read: Jeremiah 4:4 | MEDIEVAL noblewomen swallowed arsenic and dabbed on bats’ blood to improve their complexions; Victorian women removed their ribs to give themselves a thin wasp-like waistline. In modern times, men and women are seeking procedures to cut, nip, tuck, tighten, alter and transform looks into a form of “physical beauty”. The desire […]
Read: Isaiah 65:17 ; 2 Peter 3:13 | Preface: This is the fourth posting in a series about Heaven. The prior postings were intended to provide a common foundation for the discussion in this posting. To get the most out of the material, read the other posting first. Preview of Heaven (link) Purpose of Heaven […]