Read: Proverbs 14:12 |
A while ago, I was driving to the Dallas-Ft. Worth Airport to pick up my wife. I decided to turn on the GPS even though I already knew the right way to go. To my surprise, the GPS suggested a different route than I thought was the right way. Curious, I changed the scale to see why it was telling me to go south and then west, instead of just going west. As I zoomed out the scale, I saw that the road leading west took a looping circle route. On the other hand, the GPS route saved 4-5 miles! Wow! The other way seemed counter intuitive and longer. It did not seem right.
A daily challenge for believers is to trust God and thus avoid going the right way based on our experiences, but in the wrong direction. The directions that God provides may not be logical based on our understanding. However, God sees things on a scale invisible to us. Thus, lacking His foresight, we begin to wonder if we are going the right way in our lives. Proverbs 14:12 tells us that: “There is a way that appears to be right, but in the end it leads to death” In short, we can go “My way” or “God’s way”.
My Way
The song My Way (Link), released in 1969 and popularized by Frank Sinatra, tells the story of a man who, having grown old reflects on his life as death approaches. He comfortably explains how he did things “my way”. For most of us by the time we have reached our teenage years, we nurture a similar desire to do things “my way”.
The “My way is the best way” philosophy is a short-lived phase for some but for others, it is a life-long philosophy. The Bible is full of examples of people who tried it “my way”:
- Eve thought it seemed right to eat the forbidden fruit.
- Jonah thought it did not seem right for the Lord to be so compassionate to Nineveh
- Abraham agreed with Sarai and thought it right to help God by conceiving a son with Hagar
Our personal lives are also likely full of examples. This past week God hit me between the eyes a few times. Initially, the way seemed “right” based on experience, situation and intuition. However, as I reflected and remembered the draft of this topic, God brought to mind Proverbs 12:15, “The way of a fool seems right to him…” and Proverbs 21:2 saying “All a man’s ways seem right to him…”. I had to yield. He was right – as always.
God’s Way
Is God your co-pilot? Alternatively, is God your pilot?
God is your co-pilot if you allow Him part-time input into your decision processes. He is your pilot if you run every decision through Him. To follow God’s directions and go the right way, we need to promote God to “pilot”!
God told Joshua to use an unconventional battle strategy to take the fortified city of Jericho. Joshua may not have thought it seemed right, but he followed God’s way. Job decided to stay loyal to God even though he was losing everything. His friends suggested logical solutions, but He followed God’s way. God will intervene on our behalf when we desire to seek and pursue His way (2 Chronicles 16:9, Proverbs 3:5,6 , Ephesians 4:1 NASB)
God’s way may not be the easy way. It may not be the most comfortable way or the most logical way. Walking with God requires that we stay on His righteous path (John 14:6, 1 Cor. 3:18-20) and separate ourselves from anything else. The Holy Spirit, our GPS – God Positioning System, will give us the wisdom and guidance we need (James 1:5). Wait, listen and learn His voice as He gives instructions on the right way to go.
Note: Special thanks to my brother Derrick for giving me the topic idea. Love ya’ bro!
1.Discover –
A. Is God your Pilot –or- is God your co-pilot? How would your friends and/or spouse answer this question?
B. Are there types of decisions you make that you never consult God about? How have these types of decisions worked out for you?
2.Develop –
A. When you pray and ask God for directions, how do you handle it when He answer differently than you thought He would?
B. When convicted that you are on the wrong path, how often do you repent and turn back to the right path? What decisions do you struggle with staying on the right path.
3.Demonstrate –
A. What advice would you have to give a new Christian who was seeking to find God’s direction for their lives?
B. If you were to road map your spiritual growth and journey, what wrong turns did you take? What correct turns did you take?
One of my first experiences with GPS was when it told us to turn in 200 yards where the screen showed no road! After those 200 yards, there was in fact a road to turn on. Apparently, the GPS maps had not be updated to include a brand new road. Sometimes when God tells us to turn, we balk, saying, “this can’t be right.” God’s maps are always up to date! The word is TRUST.
Most excellent point, I love the extension of the analogy. I’ve been at that cross-roads myself as well.