Read: John 14:2-4 | Calvin Miller reports that he once led a man to Christ who loved the sunny country of common sense, but he could not put up with the mysteries of faith. One day he said, “Pastor, you know this new eternal life I have — well, I’ve been thinking about it. What […]
Read: 1 Timothy 1:3-7 | As a child, did you ever play with a magnifying glass on a hot summer day? I recall holding a magnifying glass above a piece of paper at an angle that allowed the sun’s rays to shine through the glass. Then I moved the magnifying glass up and down to […]
Read: Proverbs 14:12 | A while ago, I was driving to the Dallas-Ft. Worth Airport to pick up my wife. I decided to turn on the GPS even though I already knew the right way to go. To my surprise, the GPS suggested a different route than I thought was the right way. Curious, I […]
Read: Job 36:22 | I never intended to grow up to become a Bible Teacher! As a youngster, my parents made me get up early to go to Sunday School. Along the way, I met Jesus and became a believer at an early age. By the time I reached High School in the Killeen/Ft. Hood, […]