Read: James 2:18 | “He is a mad-man!”, they thought. The four brothers loved their oldest half-brother but he was – well “different”. After he left home, he was always making outrageous claims and statements. He was not trying to “fit” in and conform to society. Sadly, it was not until their half-brother Jesus died […]
Read: Galatians 6:9-10 | Saint Peter is at the gates of Heaven interviewing a man. He said, “You haven’t done anything bad, but you haven’t done anything good either. Tell me just one good thing that you have done.” “Well, the man replied, “I was traveling on the road when I saw a group of […]
Read: John 10:3-5 | Roll calls prove who is present, tardy, or absent at the appointed time and place. The process of calling roll varies around the world. In many classrooms, a leader reads the list of names aloud and awaits a reply. On our jobs, roll calls have morphed into punching a time card, […]
Read: Ephesians 5:17-20 | The Happy Hour tradition started on United States Navy ships during the Prohibition era (1920-1933). Prohibition illegalized the public consumption of alcohol. The Navy soldiers, figured out a work-around that did not break the law. They began applying the term “Happy Hour” to indicate the time they drank and entertained themselves […]