Read: Mark 12:30-31 NIV |
Daniel Webster, a leading political leader, lawyer and orator during the period up to the Civil War attended a select banquet in his honor. At the cocktail hour, one man asked Mr. Webster, “Sir, what is the greatest thought that ever entered your mind?” Without hesitation, Webster replied, “The greatest thought that ever entered my mind was the thought of my responsibility to God.” Daniel Webster understood that he needed to let the mind of the Master be the master of his mind.
As we continue our series on “Whose are we?” this week, we talk about the mind. Biblically, the mind is the part us in which thought takes place and perceptions and decisions to do good or evil originate. Scripture correlates the mind with our conscience,” To the pure, all things are pure, but to those who are corrupted and do not believe, nothing is pure. In fact, both their minds and consciences are corrupted.” Titus 1:15 (NIV) Thus, two types of minds exist, the Mind of Unbelief and the Mind of Belief.
Mind of Unbelief
The mind of a person, who does not believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, died on the cross for our sins and arose to live in Heaven, is a mind of unbelief (2 Corinthians 4:4). This type of mind describes a way of thinking in opposition to God. Overall, the person may be a good person who respects the rights of others and outwardly performs the same acts of kindness as a Believer. Yet, our loving God calls on each of us to decide whom we believe – God or Satan (John 12:48). The choice we make has eternal consequences.
Mind of Belief
When we accept Christ, He renews our mind and conscience. He gives us the mind of Christ (I Corinthians 2:16). The mind of a believer however, does not stay pure and undefiled without effort. After accepting Christ, each believer must study to show themselves approved (2 Timothy 2:15). By studying, we keep our mind renewed and replace our old nature and rationale (Ephesians 4:23).
As we work to keep our mind on things of God, we come into an understanding of the plans of God and mysteries of God. We have to make a conscious effort and commitment to keep our mind on Him through Prayer, Quiet Time, Bible Study and Fellowship with other believers.
In his bestselling book called, “Into Thin Air,” Jon Krakauer relates the hazards that plague some climbers minds and thought processes as they climb to the summit of Mount Everest. Andy Harris, one of the expedition leaders stayed at the peak too long and on his descent, he became in dire need of oxygen. Harris radioed the base camp and told them about his predicament. He mentioned that he had come across a cache of oxygen canisters left by the other climbers but they were all empty. The climbers who had already passed the canisters on their own descent knew they were not empty, but full. They pleaded with him on the radio to make use of them but it was to no avail. In Harris’s oxygen starved mind, the life-saving canisters were empty.
The problem was that the lack of what he needed had so disoriented his mind that though surrounded by something that would give him life, he continued to complain of its absence.
“Spiritual Oxygen” – accepting Jesus as Lord and asking for forgiveness of sins – surrounds the mind of unbelievers and can resuscitate them with eternal life if they accept Him.
“Spiritual Oxygen” also exists for believers who need their sins forgiven and their mind renewed after sinking and suffocating in their sins. Let this mind be in you which is also in Christ Jesus (Philippians 2:5 NKJV). In fact, let the mind of the Master be the master of your mind.
1.Discover –
A. If you have already accepted Christ as your Savior, what clicked in your heart, soul and mind to accept Him in your life? Can you share this with someone this week?
B. If you have not accepted Christ before, what questions exist in your mind that prevent you from accepting Him? Send me a note and let us chat offline.
2.Develop – What do you feed your mind during the day?
A. Identify the junk food you feed your mind and find ways to corral and limit it (for example: movies with graphic violence, sex, music with cursing, etc)
B. What can you replace the junk food with? Chat with a prayer partner for ideas.
3.Demonstrate – Search your mind:
A. Are there corners that are off-limits to God?
B. How much more of your “mind” can you give to God?
C. Would He say you give enough of your mind to Him?