Read | Numbers 28:1-2 |
In our verse today found in the book of Numbers, God directs Moses to instruct the Israelites to give their daily and monthly offerings. Though the precise ritual of how the offerings are given has changed, the principle is still the same for us today. At the appointed time, God wants us to make an offering to Him. Does your calendar contain any “Heavenly Appointments with God?”
The appointed time in our order of worship is the offering time. However, this time is not the only time that God calls for us to make offerings to Him. Our ”on time” God wants us to be prepared to give at the time and location He directs.
The key is learning to recognize our heavenly appointments. Timing is everything. We know from Ecclesiastes 3:1-8, that there is a time for everything and a season for every activity under the heavens. God prick’s our hearts, tap us on the shoulder, and/or re-directs our steps when He has something for us to do. He makes it clear that now is the time.
A personal example of a divine appointment happened to me. Over 10 years ago while sitting in a Sunday School Class at Concord Church in Dallas, God planted the seed to do something extra for Him. He put it on my heart and pointed out that He wanted me to go and serve at Wynnewood Fellowship Church and help, after I attend service at Concord each Sunday.
I initially resisted because at Concord, I was already teaching a Sunday School class, attending a Sunday School class for Adults, regularly attending Men’s Ministry meetings and attending weekly Church service. I could not comprehend doing more! I then thought about all the Sunday afternoon football games I would miss, and all the preparation time during the week it might take if I accepted His appointment. I had a little “Why me God?” moment as I looked at others who were not as involved.
It turns out that God had set up a prior heavenly appointment between the Wynnewood Pastor and I a few years earlier. Pastor Felix Caston and I had been friends for several years. As God brought that to my remembrance, I tried to discount and ignore the pre-work God had orchestrated. I hesitated a week or so before the pressure God was putting on me built up. To my “misfortune”, the route to work took me right past the exit to the Church God was calling me to serve. Every time I passed the Illinois Avenue exit, God reminded me of my appointment.
I gave in after a week and called Pastor Caston. The Pastor welcomed my call and told me that he had all the help he needed at the time. Concord had just planted the Mission Church earlier in that year. He said he would call me back after a few months if something changed. I hung up. I was off the hook or so I thought. Later that week, the Spirit reminded me that I was being disobedient. Not wanting to fight with God any longer, I called Pastor Caston once again. I explained that I appreciate that you do not need me right now, but God really put it on my heart to come now!
I was of course a little shocked to hear myself stand my ground and was hoping Pastor Caston would still say no. Praise God, he said, “Yes, we will figure it out.” As I answered my heavenly appointment, God led Pastor Caston and now Pastor Flowers to direct me to create a Sunday School program for the children and youth after a few months. As I recall, my initial assignment was simply to lead the Offering Collection time and say, “It is time for the offering”. Since we had so many new believers, I also shared stewardship principles first. It has now evolved. In looking back, by taking the step of faith God took care of all my fears and concerns. Now I thank Him for choosing me! I have grown in ways that I could not have grown because I answered His call.
Remember, each of us receives heavenly appointments. Some appointments come disguised as burdens and others as excellent opportunities. When you take the first step of faith and follow through, God will pour out blessings that you will not have room enough to receive.
The lesson is that each of us needs to answer our heavenly appointment to give.
So, many of us miss out on opportunities to serve because we ignore the spiritual nudging we feel or because we are too detached from the Spirit, God, and the Lord’s community of Saints to identify the feeling that is coming from within. I had a appointment of my own this last Sunday. One of my brothers in Christ was using his phone to read from the bible. Later he told me he had lost his bible; before I knew it I said “I’ll buy you a new one”. I prayed that night and thanked God for giving me the opportunity – “appointing” if you will, to serve him in this way and also encourage a brother stay in the Word.